Learning is the one path we are ALL on -whether we like it or not.


Deciding Outcome


Decisions are conclusions made by oneself. They say what something is. "I am a so-so student" is a decision, a conclusion. Whether a decision is true or not, it is the basis for further thinking and acting in its area. We believe our decisions. The decisions WE make. We may say we believe decisions made by others FOR us but really down deep we don't have to believe. But the decisions that WE make, those we believe.


 Now one can make a new decision and try to live up to it, try to make a go of it and there is nothing wrong with that except grouping it with those decisions we REALLY believe and that ARE true. With persistent effort one can make a wanna be decision into a 'foregone conclusion', a real fact, one that others see and agree that 'thats how it is'.


How does this relate to study?  Thisways:   if one decides he's 'not so good at this' or a similar negative or even partially negative decision then he is BUILDING on a weak foundation.


What you say IS... that's what is.


There's talk about the power of one's decisions and the thought that positive decisions have more influence and power than negative one's.  Or we say that our decisions are not very powerful, or persistent.  Well you root out those old 'i'm not so good' decisions and replace them with a present time more informed decision. Beisdes having more data about the subject at hand you also know now that WHATEVER decision you come to it INFLUENCES what happens next.


Decisions ARE the building blocks. If you decide that you ARE a good student, ARE a decent breadwinner, ARE an honest person, ARE worthwhile then things will follow accordingly.


Also realize that if you've aready decided, have had it proven to you and you accepted and agreed that you are not worthwhile, not very good at study, not going to make it, THEN YOU AREN'T. And any of your attempts at those areas will have to fight against and win against your previous decisions that you aren't so good. Before you can win you have to beat yourself and your conclusions that you aint' so good. Obviously the way to 'win' is to 'lose'.


If this is something you've run into realize you ain't the first.


There's two ways to fix it and win. And a third 'future fix'. The future fix is "Dont make negative conclusions or decisions about yourself". EVEN WHEN YOU FAIL. Those conclusions live forever and have active power over the present even when forgotten, hidden and suppressed. A better decision when having failed is: "An error has been made, what would work instead and I can fix that." Heck maybe it just takes one more swing of the hammer to drive the nail home. You don't give up. You might take a break but you don't give up.


The point is, what you decide governs what happens next.


So think: "What would be the best decision to make about this undertaking?"  Obviously a good one would be: "I'm going to win at this". Since everything always happens in the present you can drop the 'going to" and get a jump on things by deciding: "I am winning at this". And to get way ahead of the curve:  "I have won".


There's two basic decisions:

1. I am winning at this.

2. I am learning from mistakes, mine and others, regrouping, refiguring, coming up with a better informed attack and hitting it again.


There are plenty of teachers out there. Your enemies are your best and toughest.


If you need more information - get it. Others have fought the same battle. There ain't a hill that can't be won.


Oh, and there's this gem: "The ONLY failure is the failure to persist"



There is no defense against persistent good feeling toward, and acceptance of others.

There is a set number of mistakes, and we all make them sooner or later.

"Good Judgement comes from Experience.  Experience comes from Bad Judgement" - Will Rogers