Learning is the one path we are ALL on -whether we like it or not.

Actions & Goals


Evaluation of Goals; Evaluation of Actions;

Alignment of Actions to Goals and Goals to Actions.


Make a list of your Goals that you know of;

Add to the list as you become aware of them.


Note the actions one is doing.

Determine which goals they are aligned to, or MISaligned to. Often we have actions intended to reach Goal A and on looking we find it is intended to reach Goal B.


Example:  we insult another intending to get them to stop some offending behavior. Then instead of stopping that behavior they do it more AND think less of you.  So the action of insulting someone is actually aligned to 'how to get someone to intensify the offensive behavior and how to make someone think less of you.


So one would need to do some thinking and searching for another action that better achieves the goal.


Define the Goal. Assign actions to achieve the Goal. Then you do it. Then you evaluate the effectiveness of the action you are taking to achieve that goal as to whether it is acieveing that goal or not.  If its not.. the acgtion.. all actinos are aligned in actuality to specific goals. If the action you are doing is not getting yhou to the specific goal you have in mind you can ask yourself what goal IS that action trying to get to.  There may be nothing wrong with the action its just the action to Goal A, It gets you very well to Goal D, E or F. So one has to stand back and evaluate and determine how effective the actions one is taking ARE in getting towards each specific goal. So this does bring up that you do SET these different goals and realize that you have different actions to get to each of them and you align the different actions that you have, toward the goals they are intended toward.


A very old practice from Buddhism is to ask oneself WHY is one doing such & such an action. And to be honest with oneself about it. To get very deep: 'Why is one thinking a particular thought'? Stand back and look.


There is no defense against persistent good feeling toward, and acceptance of others.

There is a set number of mistakes, and we all make them sooner or later.

"Good Judgement comes from Experience.  Experience comes from Bad Judgement" - Will Rogers